Chinese Journal of LuminescenceVol. 29, Issue 2, Pages: 353-357(2008)
佛山市国星光电股份有限公司,广东 佛山,528000
Published:20 March 2008,
Received:26 May 2007,
Revised:29 January 2008,
FANG FU-BO, WANG YAO-HAO, SONG DAI-HUI, et al. Spectroscopic Analysis of White LED Attenuation. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2008, 29(2): 353-357.
FANG FU-BO, WANG YAO-HAO, SONG DAI-HUI, et al. Spectroscopic Analysis of White LED Attenuation. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2008, 29(2): 353-357.DOI:
To study how the attenuation of white LED happens and develops
four types of white LED are studied in this paper. Three of them are PLCC-4 type white LED and the other is power white LED. And the PLCC-4 type white LEDs are encapsulated by YAG phosphors
phosphors wafer or RGB LED respectively. The power white LED is encapsulated by YAG phosphors. Four types white LED are lighted continuously and the same type LED is lighted under the same conditions
such as electrical current
environment temperature
and so on. The emission spectra of them are studied in a interval. Usually
the interval is one week time. In this paper
the attenuation of red
green and blue emission is analysed by studying the emission spectrum change
through which to deduce the attenuation of white LED. Four types of white LED were studied and the results indicate that the attenuation mostly results from attenuation of blue LEDs and quenching of phosphors. The attenuating course of PLCC-4 type of white LED encapsulated by phosphors wafer and RGB LED is the same with that encapsulated by YAG phosphors
which is results from the blue LED only. The attenuating course of power white LED is different from PLCC-4 type white LED. Not only attenuation of blue LEDs is the cause of attenuation of power white LED
no less than 80 percent
but quenching of phosphors is also the other factor. More conclusion could be deduced from the study that if radiator is enough perfectly
the attenuation of white LED results from the attenuation of blue LED
but as the system temperature raises
the quenching of phosphors would happen and which will enhance the attenuation of white LED. In this paper
the attenuation of red
green and blue emission are studied by tracking and analysing their spectrum change to deduce the attenuation mechanism of white LED
and the results will provide a reference to the application of white LED and for the further study.
white LEDphosphorsRGB LEDpower LEDattenuation
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