The Investigation of Growth Orientations of ZnO Films by CVD
The Investigation of Growth Orientations of ZnO Films by CVD
Chinese Journal of LuminescenceVol. 29, Issue 2, Pages: 294-298(2008)
中国科学技术大学, 物理系,安徽 合肥,230026
Published:20 March 2008,
Received:25 October 2007,
Revised:24 November 2007,
TIAN KE, SHI YUAN-YUAN, XU XIAO-QIU, et al. The Investigation of Growth Orientations of ZnO Films by CVD. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2008, 29(2): 294-298.
TIAN KE, SHI YUAN-YUAN, XU XIAO-QIU, et al. The Investigation of Growth Orientations of ZnO Films by CVD. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2008, 29(2): 294-298.DOI:
The Investigation of Growth Orientations of ZnO Films by CVD
ZnO films with unusual surface morphology and growth orientation [101] were prepared using oxygen gas and zinc powder adding LiCl or NaCl by CVD method. In the CVD growth process
the ZnO films grew at 550~650℃ for 2 h with adding LiCl and NaCl respectively. The surface morphologies of ZnO films were investigated using FESEM and exhibited rhombus/triangles when the mol ratio of chloride to zinc was 1:1
and hexagonal pyramids when the ratio was 1:10. In as-grown wurtize ZnO film
the rhombus and triangle correspond to the {101} faces
while the hexagon corresponds to the {001} face. Authors concluded the added chloride decreased the surface energy of {101} surface. Meantime
the growth direction was transformed from [002] to [101] with the increasing of chloride concentration as shown in XRD pattern. These results implied that chloride could tune the growth direction of ZnO. This phenomenon could be observed in producing one-dimensional nanostructures but not in films.
CVDZnO filmsgrowth directiongrowth mechanics
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