Study on Scavenging Free Radical and Antioxidation Effects of Nonessential Oil Extracts from Pelargonium Graveolens Leaves
Study on Scavenging Free Radical and Antioxidation Effects of Nonessential Oil Extracts from Pelargonium Graveolens Leaves
Chinese Journal of LuminescenceVol. 29, Issue 2, Pages: 381-386(2008)
1. 华东师范大学, 生命科学学院 上海,200062
2. 上海交通大学, 植物科学系 上海,201101
Published:20 March 2008,
Received:13 September 2007,
Revised:28 December 2007,
YUAN MENG-YA, CHEN JI-WU, LU QUAN-ZHI, et al. Study on Scavenging Free Radical and Antioxidation Effects of Nonessential Oil Extracts from Pelargonium Graveolens Leaves. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2008, 29(2): 381-386.
YUAN MENG-YA, CHEN JI-WU, LU QUAN-ZHI, et al. Study on Scavenging Free Radical and Antioxidation Effects of Nonessential Oil Extracts from Pelargonium Graveolens Leaves. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2008, 29(2): 381-386.DOI:
Study on Scavenging Free Radical and Antioxidation Effects of Nonessential Oil Extracts from Pelargonium Graveolens Leaves
Activate oxygen is not only closely relevant with many disease's occurrent' but develops also going hand in hand with food oxidation. Therefore sifting natural antioxidant appears very important. The radical scavenging and antioxidant activities of extracts are compared and evaluated from the components of nonessential oils
which are distilled respectively by water extraction
ethanol extraction
and ethyl acetate extraction. Using chemiluminescence systems of superoxide anion
free radical
hydroxyl radical
peroxynitrite and DNA oxidative damage are caused by hydroxyl radical and colorimetric systems of DPPH free radical and lipid pexoxidation. The experiments reveal that the three different extractions of the components of nonessential oils in pelargonium graveolens leaves can not only directly scavenge superoxide anion free radical
hydroxyl radical
DPPH free radical and peroxynitrite
but also has a better ability to obviously mitigate and delay DNA oxidative damage caused by hydroxyl radical and inhibit lipid pexoxidation
so the components of nonessential oils in pelargonium graveolens leaves are effective and multifunctional natural antioxidants and radical scavenger
as we all know that the nonessential oil components is extracted from waste material of essential oil components
at the same time the abstract device and the handicraft is very simple
so our research improved pelargonium graveolens's planting efficiency
and provided possibility to it's comprehensive utilization
and provided data for further research on waste materials of natural spice processes
thus it has important reference meaning to economic environment protection and resource recycle. And at present
research to fragrant plant focuses on essential oil components
both home and abroad research indicated that more antioxidation matter is existence in nonessential oil components
as we all know that the nonessential oil components is extracted from waste material of essential oil components
at the same time the abstract device and the handicraft is very simple
so pelargonium graveolens is a kind of natural plant that is worthy of further being exploited and utilized.
nonessential oil extracts of pelargonium graveolensfree radicalDNA oxidative damageantioxidant
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