Studies on the Growth and Photoelectric-properties of RF-assisted N Doped ZnO Films
Studies on the Growth and Photoelectric-properties of RF-assisted N Doped ZnO Films
Chinese Journal of LuminescenceVol. 29, Issue 2, Pages: 299-303(2008)
中国科学技术大学, 物理系
Published:20 March 2008,
Received:25 October 2007,
Revised:24 December 2007,
SU JIAN-FENG, YAO RAN, ZHONG ZE, et al. Studies on the Growth and Photoelectric-properties of RF-assisted N Doped ZnO Films. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2008, 29(2): 299-303.
SU JIAN-FENG, YAO RAN, ZHONG ZE, et al. Studies on the Growth and Photoelectric-properties of RF-assisted N Doped ZnO Films. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2008, 29(2): 299-303.DOI:
Studies on the Growth and Photoelectric-properties of RF-assisted N Doped ZnO Films
many papers reported that it was difficult to obtain p-ZnO through N
splitting. We studies the properties of ZnO films through N
splitting and N-Al co-doping by our MOCVD system which was improved with RF assisted equipment. The data of SIMS showed that the N concentration reached to 10
in ZnO films. On this basic
we have studied the growth and photoelectric-properties of N-Al co-doped ZnO films
the effect of RF power on the crystal quality
surface morphologies and optical properties
through XRD
AFM and PL methods
to compare the properties of N-Al co-doped ZnO films. The result of our experiments indicates that the growth rate of ZnO films increases with increasing N splitting
N-Al co-doped ZnO films display p-type property
but the resistance of N doped ZnO films was rather high which was caused by non-activated N in ZnO films
this revealed that the N-Al co-doping facilitates the activation of N in ZnO films.
MOCVDRF-assistedN splittingN-Al co-doping
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