Transfer Matrix Method Research for Electronic State and Transport of One Dimensional Finite Superlattices
Transfer Matrix Method Research for Electronic State and Transport of One Dimensional Finite Superlattices
Chinese Journal of LuminescenceVol. 24, Issue 1, Pages: 39-43(2003)
南昌大学, 数理学院,江西 南昌,330047
Published:20 January 2003,
Received:13 May 2002,
Revised:20 November 2002,
LIAO QING-HUA, XU XU-MING, LIU NIAN-HUA. Transfer Matrix Method Research for Electronic State and Transport of One Dimensional Finite Superlattices. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2003, 24(1): 39-43.
LIAO QING-HUA, XU XU-MING, LIU NIAN-HUA. Transfer Matrix Method Research for Electronic State and Transport of One Dimensional Finite Superlattices. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2003, 24(1): 39-43.DOI:
Transfer Matrix Method Research for Electronic State and Transport of One Dimensional Finite Superlattices
The Kronig-Penney model is an idealized model for calculating the energy bands in crystalline solids with periodical potentials.The conventional formalism is based on effective mass approximation and Bastard's boundary condition. The paper presents a transfer matrix method by which we can deal with many problems about one dimensional finite superlattices.The wave functions at any two positions inside the superlattice are connected by a product of transfer matrixes.The sequence of the matrixes matches the arrangement of the barriers and wells.No matter how the size and the height of the barriers and wells change
we need only to modify the matrixes corresponding to the barrier and well.It's evident that this kind of manipulation is very convenient for computing.Thus this method in this paper can also be used for studying electronic transmission through the one dimensional finite superlattices with arbitrary arranged barriers and wells. Some questions for the one dimensional finite superlattices are studied by means of transfer matrix method.We calculate transmittance and wave function of the one dimensional finite superlattices with one defect layer and also calculate electronic eigenvalues and its eigenfunctions when electron is bound into the one dimensional finite superlattices. We have observed the sharply resonant transmission associated with one defect layer and obtained its localized wave function.We also get exact eigenvalues and its eigenfunctions in this way.It is found that the ground state wave function has no node
and the
th excited state wave function has
nodes.This is true for all finite superlattices with arbitrary arranged barriers and wells.The evanescent boundary condition outside the superlattices demands that the wave function adds a node when the eigenenergy increases from a lower level to a higher level.The eigenvalues and its eigenfunctions are important to understand the electronical and optical properties of the superlattices.