Preparation and Photoluminescent Property of Polymeric Dis (8-hydroxyquinoline schiff base) Zinc Complexes
Preparation and Photoluminescent Property of Polymeric Dis (8-hydroxyquinoline schiff base) Zinc Complexes
Chinese Journal of LuminescenceVol. 24, Issue 1, Pages: 51-55(2003)
湘潭大学, 高分子材料研究所,湖南 湘潭,411105
Published:20 January 2003,
Received:11 July 2002,
Revised:25 November 2002,
TAN SONG-TING, ZHOU JIAN-PING, ZHAO BIN, et al. Preparation and Photoluminescent Property of Polymeric Dis (8-hydroxyquinoline schiff base) Zinc Complexes. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2003, 24(1): 51-55.
TAN SONG-TING, ZHOU JIAN-PING, ZHAO BIN, et al. Preparation and Photoluminescent Property of Polymeric Dis (8-hydroxyquinoline schiff base) Zinc Complexes. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2003, 24(1): 51-55.DOI:
Preparation and Photoluminescent Property of Polymeric Dis (8-hydroxyquinoline schiff base) Zinc Complexes
Three different ligands with bis (8-hydroxyquinoline) were prepared by nucleo-philic addition reaction between 5-formyl-8-hydroxyquinoline and three diamines (4
4′-biphenyl-diamine and 4
4′-diamina-diaphenyl sulfone). Then these ligands were coordinated with zinc ion to prepare three new polymeric bis (8-hydroxyquinoline schiff base) zinc complex. The chemical structure of ligands and complexes was characterized by infrared absorption spectroscopy
ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy and elemental analysis
the results indicated that it was just the object we wanted. The photoluminescent performance of these complexes were investigated by fluorescence
the results showed that strong fluorescent emission peaked between 425nm and 625nm when excited by the light of maximal excitation wavelength
the peaks are at 497
499 and 499nm for complex Zn-DD8Q
Zn-PD8Q and Zn-DDS8Q respectively
which is between blue light and green light. The fluorescence intensity of complex Zn-DD8Q is stronger in comparison with complex Zn-PD8Q and Zn-DDS8Q
due to DD8Q has stronger conjugative effect. It means the fluorescence intensity is changed by chemical structure of complex. When conjugative effect bigger
the fluorescence stronger. In general
a kind of excellent EL material may be also a kind of eminent PL material. So
the research object of EL material can be extended from the excellent PL material. Hence
in this research work we study the material′s PL performance and make setout for the next research of EL materials.